Gloucester County Estate Planning Attorney

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Wills & Probate
Preparing for the future is important. Developing a comprehensive estate plan is important for anyone to consider. Through a will, you can declare your wishes for your possessions. If you die without a will, then the state will decide to whom your property is distributed. The last thing you would want to do is to have your property to go to someone that you did not intend. Having a will is a good way to establish your vision and save your family stress. Our firm appreciates that thinking about the inevitable can be overwhelming.

Serving Clients in New Jersey & Pennsylvania

We provide compassionate and experienced legal advice and services. We will help you develop an estate plan, draft a durable will and, if you choose, guide the executor through the process of probate. If you need quality legal services from an effective law firm, contact The Vigilante Law Firm for a consultation.

What is a will?

A will is a testamentary document that establishes how an estate should function after a person passes. A lot of people ask, “What information should I include in my will?” One of the most important things to include in your will is the name of your executor or executors. The executor will be responsible for making sure that your assets are distributed per your wishes.  Another thing that should make sure in your will is to name the beneficiaries. Those beneficiaries will be the ones who will be receiving your property.  Finally, we recommend that you make sure if you are providing care for a minor child, that you name a guardian in the will. To prepare your estate, contact The Vigilante Law Firm for a consultation.

Preparing a Will

Deciding to prepare an estate is an important step. Once you decide that you need a well-prepared will, we recommend that you seek the advice of an experienced estate planning attorney.  A good estate planning attorney will use a questionnaire asking very detailed questions about the information that you will want to include in the will, including assets, beneficiaries, the name of the executor and the need for guardians.

Executing a will

States often have laws on how to make a valid will. These laws can include the need for witnesses, their responsibilities through the process, and the obligations of the signer. Simply put, a will is only binding when these obligations are satisfied. Whether you are in New Jersey or Pennsylvania, it is important that the will signing meets the terms of the statute. [featured-image]

Contact The Vigilante Law Firm

The Vigilante Law Firm is honored to serve New Jersey and Pennsylvania clients ready to develop an estate plan. Thinking about what happens to your assets after you pass may be difficult. We are here to compassionately guide you through the process and help you avoid an uncertain future. If you want to prepare a will or need help with probate or any other estate law issue, you should speak with an experienced wills & probate attorney. Contact The Vigilante Law Firm for a consultation.

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